Conwy Castle

A magnificent medieval fortress that still towers over the town of Conwy after 700 years. Thanks to restored spiral staircases in its great towers you can walk a complete circuit around the battlements of Conwy Castle and this is one of the most magnificent medieval fortresses in Europe.

In the distance rise the mountains of Eryri and spread out below you are the harbour and narrow streets of Conwy – still protected by an unbroken ring of town walls; it’s enough to take the breath away. Especially when you consider that King Edward I and his architect Master James of St George built both castle and walls in a barely believable four years between 1283 and 1287.

Conwy takes its place alongside Edward’s other great castles at Beaumaris, Harlech and Caernarfon as a World Heritage Site. This famous fortress is exceptionally well preserved. It contains the most intact set of medieval royal apartments in Wales. The high curtain wall and eight lofty towers rise almost as impressively as when they were built more than 700 years ago.

So don’t be afraid to climb those staircases, if you can, for the full Conwy experience. There isn’t a better place in Wales to stand on the battlements and dream.

Travel time from Benar Cottages: 30 minutes

If you are interested in castles then you will definitely want to explore the castle at Conwy. After climbing all those flights of stairs you should treat yourself to lunch at one of the fantastic restaurants before exploring the town itself.